Dog Aid Scotland


0300 365 2500

Opening Hours

Mon - Thu: 9am - 4:30pm Friday: 9am - 3:00pm

2021 AGM

The Dog Aid Society of Scotland’s 2021 AGM will take place on Tuesday 21 September at 2pm. All members are welcome to attend the meeting by Zoom video conference. Please contact staff to request the Zoom invitation by Friday 17 September.

At this year’s AGM, DASS will seek its members’ approval to change the Constitution to formally allow virtual meetings by video conference.  When the pandemic struck, charities were covered by special temporary regulations which have now run out and we will have to change the DASS Constitution for the future.

Below are five clauses to which the Board have approved changes or additions to allow virtual meetings in the Society’s governing document. These are Clauses 37A, 41, 88A and 92. There is one other suggested change on the minimum number of trustees permitted on the Board, lowered from four to three (Clause 56 and number 3 on the list below). This is the legal minimum of Trustees allowed on the Board of a SCIO. The current Board of Trustees agreed to this change due to the lack of trustees DASS faced in 2020.

A resolution amending the constitution will be voted on by a show of hands and must pass by no less than two thirds. A member may appoint one proxy to represent them at the meeting to vote on their behalf. Members can email [email protected] for a proxy form or information required. The Society must have proxy information at least 48 hours before the meeting.

Members are invited to read through the list below in order to make a considered vote at the AGM. Alternatively, absent votes can be posted or emailed prior to the meeting on 14 September 2021. A full copy of the Society’s constitution can be downloaded here: SCIO Constitution (Changes 2021).

  1. Procedure at Members’ Meetings: (page 8 in the constitution)

37A The board may make arrangements, in advance of any members’ meeting, to allow members to participate in the members’ meeting by means of a conference telephone, video conferencing facility or similar communications equipment – so long as all those participating in the meeting can hear each other; a member participating in the meeting in this manner shall be deemed to be present in person at the meeting.

  1. Voting at Members’ Meetings: (page 8-9)
  • Every member has one vote which must be given personally or by proxy; for the avoidance of doubt, a vote given by a member participating in the meeting through any of the methods referred to in clause 37A will be taken to be given personally for the purposes of this clause.
  1. Number of Trustees: (page 10)

56   The minimum number of charity trustees is three.

  1. Procedure at Board Meetings: (page 17)

88A   A charity trustee may participate in a meeting of the board by means of a conference telephone, video conferencing facility or similar communications equipment – so long as all the other charity trustees participating in the meeting can hear each other; a charity trustee participating in the meeting in this manner shall be deemed to be present in person at the meeting.

  1. Procedure at Board Meetings: (page 17-18)

92   Every charity trustee has one vote, which must be given personally; for the avoidance of doubt, a vote given by a charity trustee participating in the meeting through any of the methods referred to in clause 88A will be taken to be given personally for the purposes of this clause.



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Dog Aid Scotland,
Riccarton Mains Farm,
1b The Cottage,
EH14 4AR
Tel: 0300 365 2500

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