Dog Aid Scotland


0300 365 2500

Opening Hours

Mon - Thu: 9am - 4:30pm Friday: 9am - 3:00pm

A Message from our CEO

Happy New Year!

Thanks for visiting the Dog Aid Scotland website. Whatever you are looking for I hope you find it on our website but please do reach out to the team if you need any more help. We are always just a local phone call away on 0300 365 2500 – wherever you are in Scotland.

As the Chief Executive of Dog Aid Scotland I am immensely proud of the work we do across Scotland every day, week in week out throughout the year. I joined the charity in May 2022 and have witnessed first hand how the services we provide and support we offer have become more and more relied upon by increasing numbers of people and dogs. We live in extraordinary times with everyone facing incredibly difficult choices to make where finances are concerned and the team and I are so pleased to say we have been able to meet demand and help an even bigger number of dogs in the last twelve months. In 2021 through our two main assistance scheme – Neutering and Vet Aid – a total of around 430 dogs received our help. In 2022 that figure rose to nearly 600 dogs in just those two areas of our work. Over and above that we saw our re-homing service returning to the fore with an increasing number of dogs needing to be placed for, as is always the case, a variety of reasons.

It’s heartbreaking to hear the stories which lead to owners having to part with their pets but we can provide a solid guarantee that ALL our rehomed dogs find appropriate and incredibly well-matched new homes and owners to ensure a happy and healthy outcome for the dogs. So whether you are considering giving a dog a new home or facing the difficult but responsible decision to place your dog for rehoming, you can be assured that Dog Aid Scotland will take care of the necessary arrangements with the utmost care, professionalism and consideration – for the people as well as the dogs involved.

As we look towards 2023 I can tell you that Dog Aid Scotland is well placed to help even MORE dogs. As CEO I am incredibly lucky to have a committed team working with me every day and an astute board of directors with whom I consult regularly. We have laid out plans for the coming year which will enable us to help upwards of 700 dogs through the Neutering and Vet Aid schemes alone. Our rehoming service will continue to accommodate the need to ensure the best care and attention is available for dogs who need, through no fault of their own, placed in new homes.  Of course we all hope that the need to rehome dogs will eventually go down and remain down but until such time as that day comes, Dog Aid Scotland will always provide our bespoke home-to-home service for dogs and owners anywhere across Scotland.

Dog Aid Scotland will see some changes to how we operate in 2023 – the most significant being a move of premises. We plan to rent out our current office and move to a more suitable and flexible location which will provide better facilities for the charity to engage more effectively with dog owners and lovers and I look forward to sharing more details on our move in the near future.

Whatever your involvement is with Dog Aid Scotland – a supporter through buying a raffle ticket, adopting a dog, buying merchandise or just telling a friend about our work, I’d like to extend a warm thank-you. We really appreciate your support and rely on it to continue our work for the benefit of hundreds of dogs every year. In the coming twelve months, the charity will spend over £350,000 of its own money doing our work. We receive no Government funding and DO LITERALLY rely on donations and the kindness of people……….people who love dogs!

Have a great 2023 and thanks again for visiting our website.

Ross Macfadyen – Chief Executive.



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Contact details

Dog Aid Scotland,
Riccarton Mains Farm,
1b The Cottage,
EH14 4AR
Tel: 0300 365 2500

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